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6 Tricks to Play Games Without Wasting Time

How to play games without wasting time? what's the trick so that playing games doesn't take up time? Here is the solution

How to play games without wasting time? Can it really be done? Because playing games can make us spend a lot of time. Too cool with interesting gameplay. Or it can also be overwhelmed by the smooth graphics. We can even get sucked into the levels that we want to complete quickly, so we don't want to move or stop playing it.

Therefore, it is necessary to anticipate so that playing games does not make us spend a lot of time. Don't let it be because we want to have fun, but instead make regrets later on. So this can be dealt with tips for playing games without wasting too much time, that is:

How to play games without wasting time

Set Time Limits

Time limits need to be determined before starting the game. For example, we want to play for 30 minutes every morning at 9am, which means that at 9:30 a.m we have to stop the game regardless of the conditions, whether it is still exciting or there are lives, and so on.

When the timing starts, be disciplined to honor the time limit. We can also use an alarm or timer, or a reminder on mobile phone, to indicate when we are done playing games.

Set a Purpose for Playing Games

The reason people play games is generally because they want to fill their free time. From here we need to determine what the purpose of playing games is. If it is to utilize free time, then fill it with useful games without the need to spend a lot of time.

How to play games without wasting time
ilustration by freepik (vecstock)

Understand Top Priorities

Everyone must have priorities in life. Here we need to recognize what our priority obligations are. If we are not gamers, then complete important tasks before playing games, so that we will not be burdened with guilt, pressure, or stress because we have wasted time for other things. Unless we are a gamers, then gaming is our top priority.

Choose Non-Addictive Games

Games that are available on our devices, be it on mobile phones or desktop PCs, are likely designed to make us spend a lot of time. So choose games that are neither addictive nor attention-grabbing so that we can easily finish the game in a short session, like Game Block Blast.

Focus Attention

The next way to play games without wasting time is, to focus our attention on one thing. Often when playing a game, we feel the urge to do other things or multitasking, for example suddenly wanting to eat, scroll social media, check messages on the cellphone, and so on. So try to focus on the game our playing, enjoy the game as much as possible.

Evaluate the Post-Gaming Impact

The last way to play games without wasting time is to evaluate the post-gaming impact. Is this necessary? Of course, because spending time playing games will certainly have an impact on our daily lives. If it turns out that gaming is affecting our routine and decreasing our productivity, then consider reducing the length of time we play. It may even be possible to break the habit completely.

Tricks to Play Games Without Wasting Time
ilustration by freepik (freepik)


Playing games is indeed an interesting activity to do, because it also has a good impact on reducing boredom and stress from the routine. However, it is also necessary to know the techniques of how to play games without wasting time, so that daily life will not be disrupted. Be smart in utilizing time well, because the effect will come back to ourselves, right? 

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